Sentences on verb patterns-27 March

Sentences on verb patterns-27 March

por Francesca Fuina -
Número de respostas: 3

Here are my sentences, I'll put the other tasks in the proper sections.

Sorry for the late.

Em resposta a 'Francesca Fuina'

Re: Sentences on verb patterns-27 March

por Claire Jenkins -
You can see your corrected work in the FORUM, labelled 'FUINA VERB PATTERNS'. I couldn't attach a file in my reply here, so I had to create a separate post.
Em resposta a 'Claire Jenkins'

Re: Sentences on verb patterns-27 March

por Francesca Fuina -
Teacher, I saw that you're having some problems to attach a file. I know how to do that.
When you click on ANSWER, down in the right corner there's an option called ADVANCED just clik there and you'll be able to send a file