Topic outline

  • General

    Questa è l'aula virtuale degli esercitatori di lingua inglese. 

    Qui troverete i materiali messi a disposizione degli studenti e gli avvisi. Gli esercitatori sono elencati in ordine alfabetico.

    Buona navigazione!
  • 1st Year

    • You can check whether you can hear the audio file in Moodle here.

    • You have 20 minutes to complete the following exercises: 

      - sentence transformation (7 items)
      - cloze test (8 items);
      - word formation (8 items).

      You should complete ALL the questions and check your answers for each exercise before moving on to the next page. Once you have moved to a new page, you CANNOT return to the previous one.

      The use of mobile telephones, smart watches or other electronic devices is not permitted.

    • For this part of the test you must wear headphones.

      The 1st year Listening Test. It consists of 2 tasks, before each task you will have 1 minute of silence to read through the task. You will listen to each recording twice. You will then have one minute at the end of test to check through your answers and hand in your test.

      IMPORTANT: When the test starts, if you DO NOT hear the spoken instructions, notify you professor immediately.

    • You have 20 minutes to complete the following exercises: 

      - sentence transformation (7 items)
      - cloze test (8 items);
      - word formation (8 items).

      The use of mobile telephones, smart watches or other electronic devices is not permitted.

    • For this part of the test you must wear headphones.

      The 1st year Listening Test. It consists of 2 tasks, before each task you will have 1 minute of silence to read through the task. You will listen to each recording twice. You will then have one minute at the end of test to check through your answers and hand in your test.

      IMPORTANT: When the test starts, if you DO NOT hear the spoken instructions, notify you professor immediately.

  • 2nd year

    • You can check whether you can hear the audio file in Moodle here.

    • This is Part 1 - Use of English of the Lingua Inglese 2 (Laurea Triennale) exam. You have 20 minutes to complete the 3 sections of the test:

      • word formation (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • sentence transformation (14 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)
      • open cloze (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)

      Complete each exercise and check your answers carefully before you move to the next page. You should complete ALL the questions and check your answers for each exercise before moving on to the next page. Once you have moved to a new page, you CANNOT return to the previous one.

    • This is Part 2 - Listening of the online test for Lingua Inglese 2 (Laurea Triennale). 

      The listening test lasts approximately 20 minutes. You must wear headphones (not wireless) for this part of the exam. Please click on the track below to check audio settings. You will hear a voice giving you instructions and then you will have 1 minute of silence to read the questions. You will then hear the audio recording twice and you will have 1 minute at the end to check your answers.



    • This is Part 1 - Use of English of the Lingua Inglese 2 (Laurea Triennale) exam. You have 20 minutes to complete the 3 sections of the test:

      • word formation (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • sentence transformation (14 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)
      • open cloze (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)

      You should complete ALL the questions in each exercise and check them carefully. 

    • This is Part 2 - Listening of the online test for Lingua Inglese 2 (Laurea Triennale). 

      The listening test lasts approximately 20 minutes. You must wear headphones (not wireless) for this part of the exam. Please click on the track below to check audio settings. You will hear a voice giving you instructions and then you will have 1 minute of silence to read the questions. You will then hear the audio recording twice and you will have 1 minute at the end to check your answers.



  • 3rd year

    • You can check whether you can hear the audio file in Moodle here.

    • This is what Part 1 - Use of English & Reading of the online test for Lingua Inglese 3 (Laurea Triennale) will look like. You have 30 minutes to complete the 4 sections of the test:

      • word formation (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • sentence transformation (14 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)
      • open cloze (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • reading comprehension (10 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)

    • This is Part 2 - Listening of the online test for Lingua Inglese 3 (Laurea Triennale). You have 15 minutes to complete the exercises provided. You must wear headphones for this part of the exam. Check that the audio levels of your computer are high enough for you to clearly listen to the track. You will hear a voice instructing you. Then, you will have 2 minutes to read the questions. You will hear the audio recording twice. Complete the exercises while listening to the track. You will not be able to pause or rewind.

    • This is Part 1 - Use of English & Reading of the online test for Lingua Inglese 3.

      You have 30 minutes to complete the 4 sections of the test:

      • word formation (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • sentence transformation (14 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)
      • open cloze (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • reading comprehension (10 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)

    • This is Part 2 - Listening of the online test for Lingua Inglese 3. You have approximately 15 minutes to complete the exercises provided. You must wear headphones for this part of the exam. Check that the audio levels of your computer are high enough for you to clearly listen to the track. You will hear a voice instructing you. Then, you will have 2 minutes to read the questions. You will hear the audio recording twice. Complete the exercises while listening to the track. You will not be able to pause or rewind.

  • Magistrale 1

    • This is the MCC 1 Mock Listening Comprehension Test.

      For this part of the test you must wear headphones.

      The listening test consists of one gop fill task with 10 items, and lasts approximately 11 minutes. You will have 90 seconds to read through the task. You will then listen to the audio  track twice. Complete the gaps in the text with ONE or TWO words or a number. All spelling must be correct. You will then have some time to check through your answers before you hand in the test.

    • You have 45 minutes to complete the 4 sections of the test:

      • reading comprehension - insert the correct sentences (4 items) + multiple choice questions (4 items )

      • sentence transformation (4 items)

      • open cloze (8 items)

      • multiple choice cloze (8 items)

      Complete each exercise and check your answers carefully before you move to the next page. You should complete ALL the questions and check your answers for each exercise before moving on to the next page. Once you have moved to a new page, you CANNOT return to the previous one.

    • This is the MCC 1 Mock Listening Comprehension Test.

      For this part of the test you should wear headphones and keep your microphones muted.

      The listening test consists of one gop fill task with 10 items, and lasts approximately 11 minutes. You will have 90 seconds to read through the task. You will then listen to the audio  track twice. Complete the gaps in the text with ONE or TWO words or a number. All spelling must be correct. You will then have some time to check through your answers before you hand in the test.

    • You have 45 minutes to complete the 4 sections of the test:

      • reading comprehension - insert the correct sentences (4 items) + multiple choice questions (4 items )

      • sentence transformation (4 items)

      • open cloze (8 items)

      • multiple choice cloze (8 items)

      Complete each exercise and check your answers carefully before you move to the next page. You should complete ALL the questions and check your answers for each exercise before moving on to the next page. Once you have moved to a new page, you CANNOT return to the previous one.

  • Dott. Cohen Lori Ann

    Dott. Cohen Lori Ann

    Hello to all my CPI A-C, CPI N-Z and CPII N-Z students.

    We are coming to the end of the 2020-2021academic year.
    Below you will find exercises to help you review your coursework and prepare for your exams. 
    Feel free to use whatever you like.
    Grammar and vocabulary exercises have been uploaded into your TEAMS groups as well as suggested  websites with the kinds of exercises you will
    find on your exams.
    It has been a pleasure working with you this year.

  • Dott. Cruse Nancy

    Dott. Cruse Nancy 

    CP 1 H-Z group - Magistrale MCC 1 -  Magistrale MCC 2


  • Dott. Dodge Valentina - 2nd and 3rd year CP

    Dott. Valentina DODGE - Online teaching

    Send me an email if you need help with anything

    Home learning
    • This is a Mock Test for students of Lingua Inglese III  CP Group A-D (Laurea Triennale). 

      The use of mobile telephones, smart watches or other electronic devices is not permitted.

      You have 20 minutes to complete the three sections of the test:

      • word formation (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • sentence transformation (14 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)
      • open cloze (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      Complete each exercise and check your answers carefully before you move to the next page.

    • This is a Mock Test for students of Lingua Inglese II CP Group A-D (Laurea Triennale). 

      The use of mobile telephones, smart watches or other electronic devices is not permitted.

      You have 20 minutes to complete the three sections of the test:

      • word formation (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • sentence transformation (14 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)
      • open cloze (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      Complete each exercise and check your answers carefully before you move to the next page.

    • This is a Practice Sample Test for students of Lingua Inglese III CP  (Laurea Triennale). 

      The use of mobile telephones, smart watches or other electronic devices is not permitted.

      You have 25 minutes to complete the three sections of the test:

      • word formation (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • sentence transformation (14 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)
      • open cloze (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      Complete each exercise and check your answers carefully before you move to the next page.

    • Guess the missing letters?


    Dott. Byers Katherine Elizabeth
    Dott. Gleave Sharon
    Dott. Todisco Michael 

    PR Laurea Triennale 1° Anno
    Academic Year 2023/2024

    Hello everyone! 

    The coursebook English File Digital Gold B2 (Fourth Edition - Oxford University Press) will be used during the course, so please make sure you have your book ready to start. If using the digital version, the  book's code will be useful to access the Coursebook and Workbook e-books. Homework exercises may be set both from the Coursebook and the Workbook (with Key).


         The alphabetical (surname) division into two Lettori Groups is as follows:

                                             (A - G) GLEAVE: Monday (lunedì) 10.30 -12.30  - AULA 4.2 Pal. Giusso & Tuesday (martedì) 8.30 -10.30  - AULA  4.2 Pal. Giusso                                                                                        

                                             (H - Z) TODISCO: Tuesday (martedì) 8.30 -10.30  - AULA 1.4 Pal. Mediterraneo & Friday (venerdì) 14.30 -16.30  - AULA 3.3 Pal. Mediterraneo    


                                                               Our contact email addresses are as follows: 

                                                     Byers -   Gleave -  

                                                                           Todisco -

     As well as attending the course on a regular basis, it is important to do as much as you can outside the lessons to keep up-to-date.  In the section below you'll find support materials for the FILES in the coursebook we'll be covering in class. There are also plenty of written exam practice exercises.

                                                                             We'll see you in class!


  • Dott. Jonathan Esposito

    Dott. Esposito Jonathan

    CP III Anno N-Z    e    MEA I Anno Magistrale A-Z

    Welcome to your online learning programme  for 2020-2021
    Lessons will begin on Monday 26th October

    We will be using MS Teams at these times

       access codes   
    LUNEDÌ10:30 - 12:30
    MERCOLEDÌ08:30 - 10:30


    LUNEDÌ08:30 - 10:30
    MERCOLEDÌ12:30 - 14:30

    You can send me an email  if you need help with anything 

    MEA I anno
    Try to get hold of a copy of the course book as soon as you can - GOLD C1 ADVANCED NEW EDITION (2019), Pearson. There is a 'Coursebook' and a workbook 'Exam Maximiser'
    Homework for Monday 16 November: exs 2, 4 and 5 from page 12, and all of page 15 (couresbook)
    Homework for Wednesday 18 November Workbook Reading pages 8-9 (1-4)
    Homework for Monday 23 November read Unit 2 Coursebook p. 151, do ex 10 p. 17, and Workbook p. 13 exs 1 + 2. (see below)
    Homework for Wednesday 2 December Coursebook p.30 n. 4 and all of page 35, workbook p. 22 exs 3, 4 and 5.
    Homework for Monday 14 December  Coursebook read Unit 4 pp. 153 +154, do the exercise here and on p. 39 n. 9, workbook p.27 grammar 1 + 2.
    Homework for Monday 21st December - CB p.47 and WB pp. 32 +33


    Monday 11th January - homework - CB pp. 52 + 53,  Reading from WB pp. 36 + 37
    Homework for Monday 1st March MEA I Anno : Coursebook p. 57, Workbook pp. 46 + 47 
    Homework for Monday 1st March CP III: Pathways 4 reading pp 6-11 and the exercises pp. 12-15
    Homework for Monday 8th March MEA I Anno Mag - read Coursebook pp. 157 and 158 Unit 6 + ex., and all the exercises on pp. 67, 68 and 69.
    Homework for Monday 8th March CP III from Advanced New English File p. 143 a + b, and the homework from Pathways which was for March 1st still has to be corrected.
    Homework for Wednesday 10th March CP III from Advanced New English File p. 144
    Homework for Wednesday 10th March for MEA I from the Maximiser/Workbook p. 40 ex. 1 + 2, p. 41 grammar ex. 1, p.44 all.
    For the 17th March: MEA I Student's Book p. 73 ex. 2 and vocab. 6 + 7, Workbook  reading pp. 50/51
    CP III from Advanced English File p. 146 a+b and p. 34 reading and letter c. Pathways p.16 
    CP III Homework for Monday 22nd March from Pathways read and do all the exercises from page 26 to page 34
    Homework for Wednesday 24th March Mea I  exam maximiser reading p. 56/57
    use this site for word formation, key word sentence transformation and open cloze exercises - you could do both B2 and C1 levels › student
    CP III homework 25th March - from Advanced English File p.147 and p. 38 letter c
    CP III homework for Monday 29th March Pathways from page 31 to 36 
    Homework MEA I Wednesday 7th April. CB p.89, WB pp. 60-61
    Homework CP III Wednesday 7th April from Pathways all the exercises and reading from p.48 to p. 58
    Homework for Monday 12th CP III Advanced PP 90 +91 Reading n.6 ex a-e and Pathways p 61 and letter c on p. 62
    MEA homework for 12/04 from the Coursebook p.87 2+3, pp. 94+95
    MEA I homeork for Wednesday 14th April Workbook pages 62, 64 and 65 and take a look at the sentence transformation exs.

    homeork for Wednesday 14th April CP III  New English File Advanced  p.150
    CP III Homework Monday 19th April New English File Advanced p.151, p. 58 and 59 reading and p.62 grammar a+b, vocab a+d
    Mea homework for Monday 19th April from the coursebook pages 99, 100 +101
    MEA for Wednesday 21 April Student's pp. 104/5 and Maximiser Vocab. p. 70
    CP II homework for Wednesday 21 April: English File Advanced p.63 'How I Stay Calm' and ex. 10 -Keyword Transformation, Open cloze and word formations from esllounge b2 (link above)
    Homework for Monday 26 April- MEA ! from the Workbook pp. 68 + 69, 70 n. 1+2, 74 + 75.
    CPIII from Advanced p.79, 82 grammar a + b and p154
    for Monday May 3rd: MEA I  WB p. 78 ex 1 +2, SB p. 121 n. 1,2 +3
    CP III p.156 and p.102 grammar a,b + c
    Wed. 5 May MEA SB p. 127, WB p. 79  1 + 2, p. 88-89
    CP III p. 157
    Visione compiti  on team '5/07 esami lingua inglese 3 CP/CL' on Wednesday JULY 7TH at 10 am for CP III 5TH JULY EXAM

  • Dott. Gruosso Alfonso

                                                                                                Dott. Gruosso Alfonso


                                                                                               Academic Year 2020/2021                                                         

                                                                          1st Year 

                                                                     CP (D-F) (G-M)       

                                                                           AF (A-L)                                                     

  • Dott. Haslam Susan Bessie

    Dott. Haslam Susan Bessie

     academic year 2021-2022.
       We will be using Microsoft Teams.  You can join your class Team  using the code for your group on the timetable which is now online.  If you cannot find the code, please contact me on

    MC I E-M
    AF II
    MLC II

    • Complete all four sections of the test. You have 30 minutes in total. There are four pages to the test, once you move to a new page, you cannot go back to the previous page, so check your work carefully before you move on.
    • You have 25 minutes to complete the three sections of the test:

      • open cloze (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • word formation (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • sentence transformation (14 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)

      Complete each exercise and check your answers carefully before you move to the next page.

      The use of mobile telephones, smart watches or other electronic devices is not permitted.

  • Dott. Higginbottom Elizabeth

    Dott. Higginbottom Elizabeth

    MLC 1 2020-2021

    Hello and welcome to the MLC I Moodle platform where I will be posting material and notices once our course gets under way.  In the meantime, I can be contacted  by email, should you have any queries or need any advice.   

    The course book we will be using in our online lessons is "Complete IELTS Bands 6.5-7.5" by Guy Brooke Hart and Vanessa Jakeman,  Cambridge University Press.  You will need both the Student's Book and the Workbook.  Please make sure you have them, ready for our online lessons. Looking forward to meeting you soon on Teams.

    • The reading passage will appear on each page of the test. You must answer all the questions (1 mark each) below the text on each page. You can navigate backwards and forwards between pages during the test. You have 30 minutes and you must give your answers within this time as no extra time will be given at the end.  Attempt all questions as you will not be penalised for an incorrect answer.
    •  Listen to the recording and complete the task. You will have 3 minutes at the start of the test to read through the task. When you start the test press play. You must not stop the recording during the test. You will hear the recording twice, you will have approximately 60 seconds to check your work when the recording finishes. Attempt all questions as you will not be penalized for an incorrect answer.
  • Dott. Ippolito Cimino Juliet

    Dott. Ippolito Juliet 

    A.A. 2020/2021

    EA I ANNO (Gruppo E-M)

    Tuesdays 10:30-12:30 

    Thursdays  8:30-10:30

    Coursebook: English File Upper-intermediate B2 (Fourth Edition)


     EA II ANNO (Gruppo A-D) 

    Tuesdays  8:30-10:30

    Thursdays 10:30.12:30


    1.English File Upper-intermediate  (*Third edition)
    Oxford University Press
    Units 8-10 (1st semester)
    2. English File Advanced   (*Fourth edition)
    Oxford University Press
    Units 1-4 (2nd semester)



    • This is a Mock Test for students of Lingua Inglese 1 (Laurea Triennale). 

      You have 30 minutes to complete the four sections of the test: word formation, sentence transformation, open cloze and multiple choice. 

      Complete each exercise and check carefully your answers before you move to the next page. Once you have moved to a new page, you cannot return to the previous one. 

    • This is a Mock Test for students of Lingua Inglese II  (Laurea Triennale). 

      The use of mobile telephones, smart watches or other electronic devices is not permitted.

      You have 20 minutes to complete the three sections of the test:

      • word formation (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      • sentence transformation (14 points - suggested timing 10 minutes)
      • open cloze (8 points - suggested timing 5 minutes)
      Complete each exercise and check your answers carefully before you move to the next page.

  • Dott. Jenkins Claire Louise

    Dott. Jenkins Claire Louise

    Hello students!


    You can write to me if you have any questions:

  • Dott. Lindsay Robin

    Dott. Lindsay Robin

    Lingue, Letterature e Culture Dell’Europa e Delle America (EA): 

    1st year 2022-2023

    Please find the 1st Year mock test below