by Claire Jenkins -
Number of replies: 29

Are you feeling particularly SICK OF anything at the moment?

Are you HOOKED ON a TV series?

Tell us about a personal achievement that you are PROUD OF.

Post a comment here.

In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Anna Capuano -
-I am SICK OF the fact that I can't see my boyfriened and my friends.
-I am SICK OF doing every day the same things.
-I am HOOKED ON Riverdale (a TV series which is about mysteries which have to be solved).
-I am HOOKED ON romantic films or Disney cartoons.
-I am PROUD OF my cooking skills which have improved a lot.
-I am PROUD OF my university career because every day I study what I want.
In reply to Anna Capuano


by Claire Jenkins -
Yes, we're all sick of doing the same things every day :-(
I haven't heard of 'Riverdale'. What's it about?
Thanks for your comments, Anna!
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Anna Capuano -
It is about a crew of young students from Riverdale who have to understand all the mysteries that the city hides.
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Francesca Fuina -
- I’m SICK OF the monotony that’s surrounding me on these days.
- Contrary to what one might think, I don’t have much free time on these days. So, I’m SICK OF spending every hour of the day doing something, I wish I had some time to relax.
- I’m HOOKED ON a new reality show cast on Netflix named The Circle. Players have to use the circle, which is a social media, in order to gain popularity and reach the last evening to be among the winner of a cash prize.
- Unfortunately, I’m also HOOKED ON food. I would like to eat at any time of the day.
- I’m PROUD OF me because I finally asked a professor to be the speaker of my thesis.
- I’m also PROUD OF myself because, even if I’m going against all my willing, I’m keeping myself fit.
In reply to Francesca Fuina


by Claire Jenkins -
Yes, isn't it strange that we seem to have little free time. I have a list of chores that I was sure I'd finally have time to do in lockdown.....they're still waiting on my 'to-do' list!
Good for you with your thesis! What will you be writing about?
Thanks for your comments, Francesca!
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Francesca Fuina -
asking for my thesis was on my 'to-do' list with other 7839494300 things
It's going to be something about the cinema, I still need to clear up my mind and find the right thing
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by antonella de sena -
I'm sick of listening to people's complains about the situation we are living.
I'm hooked on my mobile phone because it is the only way to stay in touch with my friends and my boyfriend.
I'm proud of my university major because it satisfies me everytime I pass an exam.
In reply to antonella de sena


by Claire Jenkins -
Thanks, Antonella! Good for you! I'm glad that you're proud of your academic achievements!
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Sara Castellammare -
- I’m SICK OF the fact that I can’t go out to see my friends.
- I’m SICK OF studying every hour of the day because we have lots of things to do. I’d love to be able to relax sometimes!
- I’m always HOOKED ON a TV series, when I start to watch one I never miss an episode and I am capable of watching it all day. These weeks, for instance, I’m HOOKED ON “Friends” which is a sitcom I think everyone knows. It makes me die laughing every time and watching it is a good way for relaxing and to push away the bad thoughts. I think it is a TV series that must be watched!
- I’m PROUD OF myself: this is something I used to say a few times in the past. 
- I’m PROUD OF how I came out from a difficult situation I lived 5 months go: I was ready (and I succeed at) to reborn stronger than ever!
In reply to Sara Castellammare


by Claire Jenkins -
Thanks for sending your work, Sara! It's so easy to get hooked on a TV the moment I'm hooked on 'Westworld'.
I'm glad to hear that you managed to get through a difficult situation 5 months ago and that you are now feeling even stronger than before!
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by MariaRosaria Capuano -
-The coronavirus has made the world go completely digital and I'm SICK OF sitting at my desk all day long.
-I'm SICK OF not taking time out of my day to go outside and take a breath of fresh air.
-At first The Good Place didn't seem like an interesting tv show, but a mind-blowing plot-twist got me HOOKED ON the show.
-Ever since I first listened to the Beatles in Middle School, I have been HOOKED ON their music.
-I'm PROUD OF my brother who decided to sign up for college.
-I'm PROUD OF all the frontline workers who are fighting against the coronavirus.
In reply to MariaRosaria Capuano


by Claire Jenkins -
Thanks for sending your work, Maria Rosaria! Hope that you manage to find some time each day to escape from your desk and relax!
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by MariaRosaria Capuano -
I was rereading what I wrote and asking myself whether the use of the relative pronoun in sentence #5 is grammatically correct: I'm PROUD OF my brother WHO decided to sign up for college.
I wanted to emphasize the subject. Although, it sounded odd when I read the sentence aloud.
In reply to MariaRosaria Capuano


by Claire Jenkins -
Hi Maria Rosaria! I guess it would sound more natural if you said 'I'm PROUD OF my brother BECAUSE he decided to....' because you're giving a reason for your pride in him. Your sentence is correct though. The use of a DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE could imply that you have more than one brother and therefore you're clarifying WHICH ONE that you're proud of: I'm proud of my brother WHO DECIDED TO...cioè that brother. OK?
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by teresa brandi -
-I am SICK OF staying at home all the day. I would like to be free to go wherever I want.
-I am SICK OF people who don't respect laws. We are sorrounded by ignorance and selfishness.
-I am HOOKED ON " Las chicas del cables", a spanish tv series set in the early years of '900, focused on the struggle of women to get equal rights.
- I am HOOKED ON fitness: indeed, I am suffering for gym's closure and I am tempting to fight against laziness and to remain always active and trained.
-I am PROUD OF how I am, the values passed down by my family and of my choices of life.
-I am PROUD OF goals I have reached in my life and of my determined personality.
In reply to teresa brandi


by Claire Jenkins -
Hi Teresa! Thanks for leaving your comments! Share your secret with us - how are you managing to keep fit during lockdown? It's very difficult to get motivated with everything else that is going on.
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Miranda Colavolpe -
Hello teacher <3
I am Sick Of staying indoor while spring is blossoming outside;
I am Sick Of seeing my boyfriend through a barren camera, when the only thing I would like to do is enjoying every moment with him;
I am Hooked On a passionate, funny and mysterious "giallo" named "The Truth on the Harry Quebert affair";
I am Hooked On Disney+, which is a newborn channel that streams every single Disney's masterpiece;
I am Proud Of my cooking improvements, above all with traditional/local dishes (I am learning from my grandmother Anna);
I am Proud Of me studying every day and never wasting time, thus taking some time to help at home, to read something thrilling, to study hard.
In reply to Miranda Colavolpe


by Claire Jenkins -
Hi Miranda! I remember reading the Harry Quebert book a few years ago and it was a real page-turner. Are you reading it or watching the TV series? What about your new cooking skills? What have you learnt to make? Thanks for your comments. :-)
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Rosa D'Errico -
- I am sick of not being able to go out to get some fresh air.
- I am sick of all my headaches.
- I am hooked on Disney films. I am going to watch them all if I will have the time.
- I am hooked on French.
- I am proud of all the efforts I am making to keep up with all the subjects I study.
In reply to Rosa D'Errico


by Claire Jenkins -
Thanks, Rosa! Ahhh, Disney films. Yes, we watch those regularly in my house too. Your favourite? We're big fans of 'UP', 'MONSTERS UNIVERSITY' and 'TOY STORY'
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Chiara Tavascio -
At the moment I am:
I am sick of people who are underestimating the problem of this traumatic experience. Not everyone is expected to live this situation easily.
I am hooked on Prison Break, an American TV series my brother advised me to watch. I have almost finished it and hope there will be season 6.
I am proud of people who stay home and of the ones who work despite the scaring situation and the possibility of getting infected.
In reply to Chiara Tavascio


by Claire Jenkins -
Thanks for your comments, Chiara! I've heard of 'Prison Break', but I've never watched it. Who's in it?
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Carmen Imperatore -
I'm SICK OF being at home instead of going to the beach and sunbathing
I am SICK OF the fact that I have to celebrate my birthday in quarantine when I wanted to celebrate it with my friends in Venice
I am HOOKED ON Disney cartoons and 50s movies
I am HOOKED ON Hitchcock movies
I am PROUD OF my drawing skills which I have improved a lot
I am PROUD OF what I am now because I have faced up to a lot of difficulties and I have overcome my fears.
In reply to Carmen Imperatore


by Claire Jenkins -
Hi Carmen! Thanks for leaving your comments! Well, you know I'm hooked on old movies too. What's your favourite Hitchcock film? I really like 'Rear Window' and 'North by Northwest'.