by Claire Jenkins -
Number of replies: 12
Do you believe that you don't 'exist' without your mobile phone? Leave a comment here.
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by antonella de sena -
Nowdays mobile phones are the perfect way to stay connected with others and provide the user with a sense of security. For example, in the event of emergency, having a cell phone can allow help to reach you quickly. Despite this, phones are capable of internet access, sending and receiving photos and files, and some mobile phones are equipped with GPS technology, allowing both the mobile phone and the user to be found. I think nowdays we should be all connected constantly because we live in a digital society where digital technologies have changed the way we learn, live and socialise. If you don't have a phone or a computer you can't be connected but it does not mean that you can't live without a phone.
Although Internet can be a great place to meet new people or reconnect with old friends, a compulsive use of technological devices can interfere with work, school, and relationships and I hope it will not happen!
In reply to antonella de sena


by Claire Jenkins -
Yes, Antonella, mobile phones are pretty amazing. I agree, though, that we have to be careful not to rely on them too much. It's nice to switch them off sometimes!
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Anna Capuano -
I think that everyone of us needs his/her mobile phone because it makes us stay connected with the entire world. It would be very difficult for me to live without it because, through my mobile phone, I can study, I can call my mum and my friends and I can organize my days. Moreover, it is useful for me to send photos to my friends or my colleagues or emails to my professors or to the university. However, I think that I could stay a day without it and sometimes I wish mobile phones did not exist. Why? I know it is a strange thing but on social media (Instagram, Facebook, etc.) there are very negative messages of hate and rudeness. I don't like it because humans are not so bad but if you judge them through social networks, you will think that they are very horrible beings.
There are pros and cons but the main point is that we can't stay without mobile phones becuase they are useful for us to communicate with each other especially in difficult situations like this due to Coronavirus!
In reply to Anna Capuano


by Claire Jenkins -
Yes, there are definitely pros and cons, Anna! It's hard to think back to a time when we didn't rely on mobile phones. How on earth did we manage to stay in touch with our friends??? But somehow we did!
It's definitely a good thing to be able to stay in touch easily with all our loved ones right now.
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Francesca Fuina -
Nowadays, mobile phones are part of our everyday life. Of course, they had and still have a huge impact on communication which, from one point of view, it’s very useful since news is spreading faster and we can get in touch with people from all over the world. But the point is that people started to use it very often and for everything, even for the tiniest thing. Among young people mobile phones are very popular especially for the numerous apps they can use to ‘socialize’ with the others. It’s good to spend a little time checking our social medias or just greeting our friends. But, I'm a flesh and bone person so, of course I do exist without my mobile phone. Actually, I don't use it very frequently. Especially on this period, in which I’m very busy with other things, I just have a little check in the evenings or whenever I remember to answer to one of my friends that’s texting me. I don't think mobile phones themselves are dangerous , but the danger occurs when people start to abuse of their skills and become addicted to them.
In reply to Francesca Fuina


by Claire Jenkins -
Young people are particularly 'attached' to their mobiles, Francesca, you're right. My older son is rarely far from his phone. I think we all have to make an effort not to "become addicted", as you say.
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by Sara Castellammare -
Nowadays, everyone has got a mobile phone. It is significant tool that allows us to stay connected with our family and friends, to watch videos, to read books, to run a search, to buy something on web stores… Basically, we can do everything with our mobile phones! And sometimes, not having one could lead to a feeling of isolation from the rest of the world, but today who doesn’t have a mobile phone?? I usually don’t use much my mobile phone during the day because when I have to study I don’t want any distraction, so I turn it on in the lunch break and in the evenings after dinner. I am not sure I could live without my mobile phone because I have everything on it and I can get in touch with my friends anytime I want, especially now that we are living in this difficult situation due to Coronavirus and we cannot see each other.
In reply to Sara Castellammare


by Claire Jenkins -
What would we do without our phones? But at the same time, they can definitely be a "distraction", as you say.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sara.
In reply to Claire Jenkins


by teresa brandi -
At this moment, mobile phones are all you need to remain in contact with people you care. If I have to be honest, before the spread of COVID-19, I undervalued technological devices in general. I considered them unecessary and, sometimes, a waste of time. This opinion comes from the fact that I prefer the eye-to-eye contact. But, in these last days, I have changed my mind and I have to confess that tecnology is a part of our lives and we cannot imagine to live without it. Thanks to our mobile phones, we can send messages, make phone calls, surf the net and many other activities in a very short time. I believe that a mobile phone is like an appendix or an extension of our arm. For this reason, as you cannot imagine to stay without an arm or another part of your body, similarly you cannot stay without your phone. It is true that there are a lot of people that are addicted to the world of social media and to Internet in general, but this is not enought to underestimate the power of the new technologies. Nevertheless, I believe that sometimes it is very useful to stay without connection and digital devices for a while: this gives you the possibility to focus on more practical activities and to distract your mind. All in all, I can say that even if a mobile phone is a part of our lifestyle, it remains a digital object, without a soul; so, if you have the possibility I suggest you to leave your phone at home and to spend your time with people you love!
In reply to teresa brandi


by Claire Jenkins -
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Teresa. It's definitely true that our lockdown lives would be very different right now without our mobile phones. They're helping us to feel less isolated. It's still true though that we should remember to switch them off every now and then and appreciate "practical activities", as you say, and spend time with the "people you love". Thanks again, Teresa!